Ember Beauty

Personal On Demand Makeup Assistant & Subscription Service

Ember Beauty is a web-based beauty product subscription service with a focus on educating its users on how to apply customized makeup and be a better version of themselves.

The client approached our team to develop their concept and create a prototype which could be used to showcase the idea to potential investors. The whole idea of Ember Beauty was to match its target audience i.e. teenage girls to expert makeup artists who can create a customized beauty box according to their style, needs and skills and send them these boxes every month. At the same time, these artists can guide a user to apply makeup effectively.


The online beauty space is quite crowded. At the same time, it was not easy to convince the target audience and engage them on a platform that connects them to strangers. On top of that, there was a challenge of acceptance. People don’t generally pay for services by an expert they don’t know. To tackle the challenges, the team worked closely with all the stakeholders, particularly the target audience to understand their pain points and aspirations. Ember Beauty wants to provide an easy way for prospective users to fill out a survey about their beauty needs to match them with a makeup mentor.


The client wanted a proper prototype that can be presented in the front of potential investors at an event.

According to the client’s insights, there was a gap between purchasing make up and knowing how to use it. At the same time, it was difficult to access the free relevant content online. Our team understood the client’s needs and developed a phase-wise approach for developing a working prototype of MVP according to the idea.

To achieve the client’s goals of having a working prototype by the end of the engagement period, the project was divided in three sprints with each focusing on a specific result.

Choose your mentor screen - View Prototype

Sprint 1 - Research & Synthesis

It was important to understand makeup habits of individuals. Based on the initial discussions with the founders, a detailed research plan was designed. The research plan was broken down into three segments:

  • Domain Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • User Interviews
User Persona

Problem Statement

Teenage girls want a way to explore new makeup styles with a trusted makeup mentor because they want to learn techniques that match their developing styles.

Design Principles

Based on insights derived from our research, it became easier to outline the design principles as fallows:

  • Personalized: Show me what works for me specifically 
  • Aspirational: Help me embody who I strive to be
  • Relatable: Let me know that you understand my needs: trust and comfort 
  • Educational: Teach me what I don’t already know
  • Flexible: Appeal to young girls and their parents

Also, the research helped in understanding the price one is willing to pay for a service like Ember Beauty. At the same time, target personas were clearly defined and insights from various stakeholders were documented at the end of this phase.

Sprint 2 - Design & Concept Validation

After the research face made the basics clear, the team worked to create a basic workflow and start experimenting with the concept based on insights. The basic workflow concept included:

  • Sign Up
  • Quiz
  • Matching with a Mentor
  • Confirmation of Appointment
  • Meeting/Video Chat

Using Balsamiq three different concepts where designed for the starting quiz that would be shown on the website.

Skin Tone

Three concepts tested for skin tone and ethnicity questions

Most testers preferred a slider paired with a question about ethnicity.

Confirmation Email

Email Confirmation of Appointment with Mentor
  • The more confirmations the better
  • All testers liked having confirmation email
"When I order things online, I’m never sure if it goes through unless I get an email confirmation. Also you can go back and check the time of the appointment."


Mentor Page

A lot of testers expressed that they weren’t comfortable talking to a stranger over a video chat, but would feel more comfortable if they could get to know their mentor first through chatting/messaging


Schedule Time with a Mentor
  • Testers responded well to this scheduling system
  • It works well for the first meeting but needs to be built out more for further scheduling

Each of the prototype concepts were tested with users to understand what would work best for the brand. Based on our testing, the following insights were derived to improve the product concept for the next phase:

  • Quiz can be long, but questions should be directed and easy-to-answers
  • $15 is an appropriate price point for the subscription service with products and mentorship
  • Teenagers (target audience) wanted to try more products
  • Target audience wanted more control in choosing a makeup artist and scheduling/rescheduling their meets
  • Homepage should explain the product as well as price upfront without needing a user to sign up
  • Not all teenagers were comfortable with video calling on Skype directly
  • Testers wanted to take quiz before logging in

Sprint 3 - Convergence & Refinement

Based on the insights from previous phases, a final prototype was developed and tested. What started as 3 different concepts initially with different workflows were merged into a single working prototype.Also, the final prototype was designed in a way that gave users more control over their experience.

Users could choose their mentors to make them feel more comfortable and they were notified with a confirmation mail about their choice after they signed up for the service. Also, the final prototype had the following elements:

  • Homepage - Users wanted to click on a button to start a quiz and want more clarity on the product. So more information was added to the banner and a hybrid of different prototypes was chosen as the final homepage with a navigation bar at the top.
  • Quiz - Users could take quiz before signing up for the service. Also, the quiz content was designed in a way that paved the way for increased personalization. Skin tone and ethnicity could be defined via a slider to eliminate the chances of being disrespectful to any community. Various options for the quiz questions and content were tweaked to make the quiz more inclusive for everyone.
  • Meet your Mentor - People wanted more information on the mentor before the sign up, so the users were allowed to choose their mentors before signing up for the service. Also, people were keen on exploring mentor videos as well as information in detail.
  • Tutorial Videos - Tutorial videos were added as an add-on to the website and the research group loved the idea of getting makeup tutorials.  
  • Scheduling system - Users were allowed to choose a mentor from three available options. Also, a scheduling system was designed that allowed setting up initial as well as follow up appointments.
  • Confirmation - A confirmation page as well as conformation e-mail was embedded in the process flow that added a layer of confidence among the target user group.
  • Skype - As not everyone was eager to get on a video call in the first place, a system was designed to know the makeup artist before hopping ona video call. This made users comfortable to discuss their needs in the first place.
  • Personal Profile - Users were given personal profile on sign in which allowed them to browse personalized content, get to know their mentor,check their schedule and set up an appointment.

Results - View Prototype

The final prototype was tested simultaneously and enabled Ember Beauty to achieve their goal of building a personalized, aspirational, relatable, educational and flexible makeup subscription service.

Our team’s effort helped the brand to build a tangible prototype and get hold of some valuable insights that improved the overall value proposition. Also, it became easier for the brand to present their concept and pitch to prospective investors.

Final Recommendations for Ember Beauty

  • Price should be upfront from the home page
  • Usage of “artist” over mentor/cosmetologist/consultant
  • Build out home page with testimonials and reviews
  • Include personalized tutorials whenever possible
  • Visuals! Quiz, hero image, home page.

Recommendations for Future Testing

  • Pause subscription button
  • Trial before purchase
  • Messaging system
  • Build out home page with testimonials, reviews, and more information about Ember Beauty
  • Undertones are not addressed in skin color
  • Testing with target demographic